O governo polaco lideardo pelo(s) Kaczinsky(s) tem um Ministro da Educação chamado Roman Giertych, que pertence a um partido de nome Liga das Famílias Polacas - um grupúsculo de xenófobos, homofóbicos e anti-semitas. Os irmãos Kaczinsky lá acharam que o líder de um partido como este merecia a pasta da Educação.
Mas isso é lá com eles.
Mas infelizmente o pai desse rapaz foi enviado para Bruxelas como Deputado Europeu. Entre organizar exposições em que compara o aborto ao holocausto e pronunciar discursos na Plenária a defender Salazar e Franco como bastiões da Civilização Ocidental contra as hordas comunistas, este amável senhor ainda encontra tempo para partilhar connosco uns panfletos com títulos como 'Civilizations at War in Europe' e 'European Values'. A primeira publicação defende que o mundo está dividido em civilizações (Civilização Judaica, Civilização Árabe etc), entre as quais há uma clara hierarquia . A civilização superior, de acordo com este iluminado, é a Civilização Latina, que se distingue das outras por ter a Igreja Católica - mãe da Europa - como fonte de inspiração. A mensagem principal do nosso amigo Giertych é que estas civilizaçãoes não se podem misturar, porque são tipo, género, buéda diferentes. O primeiro panfleto é, pois, um cocktail explosivo de racismo, etnocentrismo, paleo-catolicismo, anti-semitismo: enfim, um Best Of dos Greatest Hits do Top 10 da ideologia da extrema-direita polaca.
Já o segundo panfleto é mais a atacar o aborto e a homossexualidade numa tour de force
católico-obscurantista que causaria inveja a qualquer aprendiz de César das Naves, perdão, das Neves. Fica aqui um resumo escrito por uma amiga minha que teve a infelicidade de ler o segundo panfleto na íntegra e que trabalha na Comissão de Liberdades e Garantias do Parlamento Europeu (conhecida como LIBE).
Welcome to the Middle Ages.
Please find attached a new publication of MEP Maciej Giertych. It was delivered to the Member's mailboxes last week in Strasbourg.
The author defines his concept of "values". He considers for example that peace, freedom, democracy, the rule of law, prosperity, justice and solidarity are not values- but rather "conditions" which depend on political circumstances.
Criticism of EP restricting Giertych's rights to "freedom of speech"
The text criticises the European Parliament which "restricted" him on several occasions to his "right to freedom of speech". He uses the following examples:
1) The recent publication of his book "Civilisations at War in Europe".
2) His anti-abortion exhibition in the EP in Strasbourg (November 2005) where abortion was compared to nazism.
3) His "anti-war display" in October 2004, asking the EP President to commemorate the victims of World War II by a minute of silence for the 1st September 1939.
4) His defence of Franco "in guaranteeing traditional values" in his speech in plenary on the 70th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War.
Giertych explains that "unfortunately, in Poland we still have access to abortion in a few restricted situations: when the foetus is disabled, when the pregnancy is a consequence of a crime and when it endangers the life of the mother or seriously the health of the mother". He then proceeds to explain why abortion should be banned in those cases:
1) "Defective" babies. He asks "Are disabled babies not human?" He claims that the argument for "killing disabled babies stems from eugenic considerations", promoting the "Darwinian philosophy of the survival of the fittest". In some parts of the EU, "stopping from extending born babies to disabled adults" is to "what Nazi Germany was referred to as life not worth living (lebensunwertes) that justified the extermination program for the mentally ill".
2) Pregnancy from criminal intercourse. Giertych asks "why penalize the pre-born child? He is not guilty of rape". He adds that "the abortion itself will be another trauma that will add on to the one already suffered because of the rape. These may be accompanied by other traumas such as loss of virginity or venereal disease...However, if the child that arose is allowed to live, be born and grow up, it will be eventually recognised as a positive consequence of a very bad experience".
3) When the mother's health or life is at stake. "It is normal for mothers to risk their health, even life, just to protect their child. This lies in the maternal instinct, common to all species. Why should we treasure the health of the mother more than the life of the child.."
The author then calls for the banning of utero embryo production and criticises the European Parliament's work on funding stem-cell research. He also criticises the use of contraceptives.
"Promotion of homosexuality"
This part of the text is virulently homophobic. The author states:
"Homosexuals are in the same category as adulterers. I disapprove of adultery but am tolerant of adulterers.However, once they start bragging about their sexual conquests, showing pride in them and advocating free love, they become a problem, at least in some professions".
"Homosexuals acts are disordered by the very nature of them.The sexual impulse has a biological purpose, and this biological purpose is to perpetrate the species. No reproduction arises from homosexual activity. Thus it is biologically useless".
"Homosexuality is not an inborn condition. Here I speak as a geneticist....Homosexuality is an upbringing effect...Being an upbringing effect is a condition that can be reversed-but this would require cooperation with therapists, desire to become heterosexual and spiritual motivation to shed the disordered condition.It is as easy/difficult as shedding inclination to fornication, pornography, self abuse and other misuses of the sexual instinct".
"People who claim that homosexuality is a normal condition and wish to advertise this view....should be kept at a distance from jobs in which they could influence the opinions of minors".
"Needless to say, such public demonstrations of support for homosexuality as "gay parades" should obviously be forbidden".
"My position is exactly the same as that of the Catholic Church. I am tolerant of the sinner, intolerant of sin. Every sexual activity outside marriage is a sin, and marriage is understood as being composed of a husband and a wife".
Maciej Giertych also refers to the LIBE committee of the 20th March 2007, when the Liberals, Socialists and Greens called to examine if recent Polish declarations calling to forbid "homosexual propaganda" complies with EU laws and respect for fundamental rights. He says: "Does that mean that the EP considers itself competent to tell Poland that we must allow homosexual propaganda in schools? Cui bono?In who's interest?"
Mas isso é lá com eles.
Mas infelizmente o pai desse rapaz foi enviado para Bruxelas como Deputado Europeu. Entre organizar exposições em que compara o aborto ao holocausto e pronunciar discursos na Plenária a defender Salazar e Franco como bastiões da Civilização Ocidental contra as hordas comunistas, este amável senhor ainda encontra tempo para partilhar connosco uns panfletos com títulos como 'Civilizations at War in Europe' e 'European Values'. A primeira publicação defende que o mundo está dividido em civilizações (Civilização Judaica, Civilização Árabe etc), entre as quais há uma clara hierarquia . A civilização superior, de acordo com este iluminado, é a Civilização Latina, que se distingue das outras por ter a Igreja Católica - mãe da Europa - como fonte de inspiração. A mensagem principal do nosso amigo Giertych é que estas civilizaçãoes não se podem misturar, porque são tipo, género, buéda diferentes. O primeiro panfleto é, pois, um cocktail explosivo de racismo, etnocentrismo, paleo-catolicismo, anti-semitismo: enfim, um Best Of dos Greatest Hits do Top 10 da ideologia da extrema-direita polaca.
Já o segundo panfleto é mais a atacar o aborto e a homossexualidade numa tour de force
católico-obscurantista que causaria inveja a qualquer aprendiz de César das Naves, perdão, das Neves. Fica aqui um resumo escrito por uma amiga minha que teve a infelicidade de ler o segundo panfleto na íntegra e que trabalha na Comissão de Liberdades e Garantias do Parlamento Europeu (conhecida como LIBE).
Welcome to the Middle Ages.
Please find attached a new publication of MEP Maciej Giertych. It was delivered to the Member's mailboxes last week in Strasbourg.
The author defines his concept of "values". He considers for example that peace, freedom, democracy, the rule of law, prosperity, justice and solidarity are not values- but rather "conditions" which depend on political circumstances.
Criticism of EP restricting Giertych's rights to "freedom of speech"
The text criticises the European Parliament which "restricted" him on several occasions to his "right to freedom of speech". He uses the following examples:
1) The recent publication of his book "Civilisations at War in Europe".
2) His anti-abortion exhibition in the EP in Strasbourg (November 2005) where abortion was compared to nazism.
3) His "anti-war display" in October 2004, asking the EP President to commemorate the victims of World War II by a minute of silence for the 1st September 1939.
4) His defence of Franco "in guaranteeing traditional values" in his speech in plenary on the 70th anniversary of the Spanish Civil War.
Giertych explains that "unfortunately, in Poland we still have access to abortion in a few restricted situations: when the foetus is disabled, when the pregnancy is a consequence of a crime and when it endangers the life of the mother or seriously the health of the mother". He then proceeds to explain why abortion should be banned in those cases:
1) "Defective" babies. He asks "Are disabled babies not human?" He claims that the argument for "killing disabled babies stems from eugenic considerations", promoting the "Darwinian philosophy of the survival of the fittest". In some parts of the EU, "stopping from extending born babies to disabled adults" is to "what Nazi Germany was referred to as life not worth living (lebensunwertes) that justified the extermination program for the mentally ill".
2) Pregnancy from criminal intercourse. Giertych asks "why penalize the pre-born child? He is not guilty of rape". He adds that "the abortion itself will be another trauma that will add on to the one already suffered because of the rape. These may be accompanied by other traumas such as loss of virginity or venereal disease...However, if the child that arose is allowed to live, be born and grow up, it will be eventually recognised as a positive consequence of a very bad experience".
3) When the mother's health or life is at stake. "It is normal for mothers to risk their health, even life, just to protect their child. This lies in the maternal instinct, common to all species. Why should we treasure the health of the mother more than the life of the child.."
The author then calls for the banning of utero embryo production and criticises the European Parliament's work on funding stem-cell research. He also criticises the use of contraceptives.
"Promotion of homosexuality"
This part of the text is virulently homophobic. The author states:
"Homosexuals are in the same category as adulterers. I disapprove of adultery but am tolerant of adulterers.However, once they start bragging about their sexual conquests, showing pride in them and advocating free love, they become a problem, at least in some professions".
"Homosexuals acts are disordered by the very nature of them.The sexual impulse has a biological purpose, and this biological purpose is to perpetrate the species. No reproduction arises from homosexual activity. Thus it is biologically useless".
"Homosexuality is not an inborn condition. Here I speak as a geneticist....Homosexuality is an upbringing effect...Being an upbringing effect is a condition that can be reversed-but this would require cooperation with therapists, desire to become heterosexual and spiritual motivation to shed the disordered condition.It is as easy/difficult as shedding inclination to fornication, pornography, self abuse and other misuses of the sexual instinct".
"People who claim that homosexuality is a normal condition and wish to advertise this view....should be kept at a distance from jobs in which they could influence the opinions of minors".
"Needless to say, such public demonstrations of support for homosexuality as "gay parades" should obviously be forbidden".
"My position is exactly the same as that of the Catholic Church. I am tolerant of the sinner, intolerant of sin. Every sexual activity outside marriage is a sin, and marriage is understood as being composed of a husband and a wife".
Maciej Giertych also refers to the LIBE committee of the 20th March 2007, when the Liberals, Socialists and Greens called to examine if recent Polish declarations calling to forbid "homosexual propaganda" complies with EU laws and respect for fundamental rights. He says: "Does that mean that the EP considers itself competent to tell Poland that we must allow homosexual propaganda in schools? Cui bono?In who's interest?"
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